LHS Parent Bulletin 19/03/21

Please click here to read the latest LHS Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.

Extra-curricular sports clubs

Extra-curricular sports clubs will commence the week beginning 15th March. Please click here to see the full list of clubs, which will run from 3.15-4.30pm.

LHS Parent Bulletin 05/03/21

Please click here to read the latest LHS Parent Bulletin, which includes important information on plans for re-opening the school to all students.

LHS Parent Bulletin 26/02/21

Please click here to read the latest LHS Parent Bulletin, which includes important information on plans for re-opening the school to all students.

March re-opening

Please click here to read Mr Williams’ letter about school re-opening on 8th March.

ILC News

Please click here to read the latest issue of ILC News, which highlights some of the new books on offer at the library and ways to access them online.