Course Information


As I am sure you will already be aware, the structure of A level qualifications has changed, with AS levels being ‘de-coupled’ from the old A2 levels and all subjects now converted to the new, linear A level structure whereby external exams are sat at the end of two year courses.

In common with many academic sixth forms, Lymm High Sixth Form now only offers the new linear A levels because we believe that this enables students to have the maximum time and energy available to focus on these end-of-course exams. Typically, students choose three subjects, but we do allow some students to study four subjects and this is something that can be discussed at interview.

To progress onto Level 3 courses, all students need 5 A*-C/4+ grades, which must include English and Maths at grade 4 or above.


This video discusses some of the points students should consider when choosing their A Level subjects. It also explains how these choices can affect future options for university courses.

A Level and BTEC course details

Please select your course of choice below to download a PDF containing an outline of the course criteria.

Is Sixth Form for you?

For those looking to join us in September 2025 our open evening will be held on Thursday 14th November,
when we will begin to accept applications through our online system.