DofE Pre-Expedition Training Day
Dear Parent or Carer, Important Reminder: Your child is working towards achieving their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and will be undertaking pre-expedition training this week. Please click here to read the letter which was sent before the Christmas break. Students must read the Expedition Handbook here before their training day so they are fully prepared. Wednesday 5th January – […]
Letter from Mr Williams
Please click here to read a letter about arrangements for starting back at school this week.
Duke of Edinburgh
Dear Parent or Carer, Please click here for a letter relating to the DofE Training Day your child is doing in January. Students need to read the Expedition Handbook here before the training day so they are fully prepared.
LHS Parent Bulletin 17/12/21
Please click here to read the latest LHS Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.
Household Support Fund
If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, you are eligible to receive the Household Support Fund (previously known as the Covid Winter Grant) to help with food and fuel costs over the winter period. Please click the link below for information about how to apply and we would urge you to apply as […]
DofE session – Wednesday
Due to staff absence, the DofE registration session on Wednesday after school will unfortunately not be taking place. However in order to get students registered, their tutors will provide them with their unique username and we’ll get instructions out to them as soon as possible in the form of a step-by-step helpsheet. Students need to […]
Covid testing in January 2022
Dear parent or carer Firstly, thank you for your continued engagement with the testing programme at home. It has been extremely valuable in helping to minimise the spread of Covid-19. We will be sending further testing kits home to be used over the Christmas period and request that students test at home on Monday 3rd […]
Parent Consultation on Positive RSHE at Home
Please click here to read about an online webinar that we are facilitating for parents and carers on Tuesday 14th December 2021, led by the organisation ‘It Happens’. The webinar provides a platform for parents and carers to consider guidance on ‘Positive RSHE at home… top tips for brilliant conversations’.
ILC Newsletter
Please click here to read the latest ILC Newsletter.
LHS Parent Bulletin 03/12/21
Please click here to read the latest LHS Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.