LHS Parent Bulletin 16/09/22

Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.

Travel to school

When travelling to Lymm High, please drive carefully around school and watch out especially for children on bikes. Please remember there will be no access to the school car park for parents for at least the first two weeks of term at the beginning and end of the day. This is due to the completion […]

LHS Parent Bulletin 15/07/22

Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.

LHS Parent Bulletin 01/07/22

Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.

Drop Down Day – Thursday 7th July 2022

Please click here to read about our upcoming drop down day which will be held on Thursday 7th July. The day will involve a collapsed timetable and will comprise of a series of PSHE /RSHE /SMSC themed sessions.

Founders’ Day food bank collections

In celebrating our school’s history and community links, we will be asking all students to make a minimum donation of £10 for the sponsored Colour Run, which they can gather over the coming weeks by taking part in a variety of charitable tasks both in school and at home. During form time we will be […]

Buses on last day of term – Thursday 21st July

As was the case in December, the bus company have told us that they will not be able to send buses earlier to collect students for our early finish on the last day of term, 21st July. We are assuming the picture will be similar to the case in December and would like to avoid the […]

LHS Parent Bulletin 17/06/22

Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.